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Bridge Cam Welding Gauge(MG-8)
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Product Name: Bridge Cam Welding Gauge(MG-8)
Product Numbers: WG-208
Product Specifications: 60 mm or 2 inches.
Product Unit: Depth of undercut
Product Remark: China Weld gage manufacturer
Product Class:Measuring Tools > Welding Gauges > Bridge Cam Welding Gauge
Product Details
【DateTime:2013-09-04 Browse:】【Font: Big Mid Small】【Print】【Close
Bridge Cam Welding Gauge (MG-8), Gal gage, TWI Welding Gauge
      Simple to use all in one welding gauge for measuring Weld: Undercut, Excess material, Fillets, Weld size and Height, Preparation angle and Misalignment.
Adjustable scale to compensate for point wear. The ROK bridge cam welding gauge is versatile instrument for welding inspection, for it can measure at least 7 type of welded surfaces and joints.  It displays measurements in both inches and millimeters (linear measurements up to 60 mm or 2 in.). The gauge is easy to use. It is comprised of one rotating dial and one sliding pointer. You simply move ROK dial or pointer until it makes the appropriate contact and then read the result. Move the dial or pointer until it makes the appropriate contact and then read the result. Welding Inspector can use ROk gauge together to get correct measuring result to assess the quality of welding joints.
It can measure:
    Angle of preparation: 0° to 60°
    Angle of preparation from 0 to 60 deg
    Excess weld metal (capping size)
    Depth of undercut
    Depth of pitting
    Fillet weld throat size
    Fillet leg length
    Crown Height
    Root Face & Root Gap
   It displays measurements in both inches and millimeters (linear measurements up to 60 mm or 2 in.). The gauge is easy to use. It is comprised of one rotating dial and one sliding pointer. You simply move the dial or pointer until it makes the appropriate contact and then read the result.
   Material: Stainless Steel 
   Weight: 135g
   Packed with manual, an illustrated sheet showing the parts of the gauge as well as procedure for measuring different weld parameters
Note: OEM welcomed

Bridge Cam Welding gauge

BridgeCam Welding gauge

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