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Digital Handheld 3D North Finder
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Product Name: Digital Handheld 3D North Finder
Product Numbers: INCL-60620
Product Specifications: 3D Heading 360°display
Product Unit: three angle value alarm setting
Product Class:Measuring and Testing Instruments > Industrial Instruments > North Finder
Product Details
【DateTime:2016-01-15 Browse: 185】【Font: Big Mid Small】【Print】【Close
 Digital Handheld 3D North Finder
     North Finder is medium precision quick north-seeking equipment with low-cost price which produced by ROK. Which uses advanced algorithms, with hard iron and soft iron corrections, To provide highly accurate heading information over its extra wide tilt range at latitudes up to 80°.Andalso through the magnetic declination setting can quick find the true north position.
In addition, INCL-60620 combines three angle value alarm setting function. For example. If you set “H”-Heading angle to:000.0,When the north finder rotated to 0 degrees(North),position,It will drive a buzzer to alert for help operator to finding they needed position.
    Do not always need the display to seeking north. SDC620 built-in high capacity rechargeable battery,  Battery using life is 1 million times or more, when the power is weak,LED lights will flash warning you need to charge ,You can just use 220V charger to charge like mobile telephone, convenient and quickly.
1)3D Heading 360°display               
2)±80°angle compensation plus simultaneous disply
3)Hand-held, Dovetail bad installation in one design
4)three angle value alarm setting function
5)With hard iron and soft iron corrections                
6)Power weak warning function
7)Angle relative absolute zero setting               
8)Reset function
9) Long working hours>30h                      
10) Slope angle compensation optional
11) High resolution:0.01°                   
12) Real-time data on the direction         
13) Wide temperature-20°~ +80°C               
14) Various combinations of optional (External optional compass)       
15) IP65 protection level                 
16) Industrial digital display, wide temperature range, can be night vision
1:Satellite receivers installed north seeking          
2: Robotic systems    
3:High performance ROV navigation               
4:GPS system integration
5:Satellite positioning Search  
6:Remote terrestrial antenna direction indicators
7:Sonar targeting systems                        
8:3-axis magnetic field sensing
Compass heading parameter Heading accuracy 0.3°~0.5°
Resolution 0.01°
Repeatability 0.05°
Compass tilt parameter X Pitch accuracy 0.1°<15°(Measuring range)
0.15°<30°(Measuring range)
0.2°<60°(Measuring range)
0.3°<90°(Measuring range)
X Pitch tilt range ±90°
Y Roll accuracy 0.1°<15°(Measuring range)
0.15°<30°(Measuring range)
0.2°<60°(Measuring range)
0.3°<360°(Measuring range)
Y Roll tilt range ±180°
Resolution 0.01°
Calibration Hard iron calibration Yes
Soft iron calibration Yes
Physical features Dimension L125mmxW67mmxH28mm
Weight 120g
RS-232 data output optional Industrial pluggable connector 5 pins
Interface features Start delay <50MS
Maximum sampling rate 20Hz/s
Communication rate 2400 to 19200baud
Output format Binary high performance protocol
Power Voltage support Built-in DC battery work for 24 hours
External DC12V power supply (optional)
Current(Maximum) 40mA
Ideal mode 20mA
Sleep Mode TBD
Environment Operating range -20℃~+80℃
Storage temperature -40℃~+100℃
Resistance shock performance 3000g
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