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China Electric Car Jack
Datetime:2012-04-25 05:35:26 Browse: 
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you can work up a sweat changing a flat the old-fashioned way, but why would you want to? Electromann’s 12v electric car jack (model GB-A15) features a loading capacity of 1,5 tons and lifting range of 12 to 35 cm, taking the huff and puff out of raising your vehicle on the side of the road. of dragging a jack out of the trunk, manually raising the car and then replacing the tire. Today, an electric car jack can cut the work of changing a tire in half. An electric car jack is a device that is designed to work with your car’s 12V lighter socket and provide enough torque to raise your car easily without manual labor. Instead of cranking the jack by hand in order to change a tire, the electric car jack will raise the vehicle itself.

Electric car jacks work using specific hydraulics. These jacks have a much different force ratio or input versus output ratio than manual jacks. This means that they require much less torque or input force in order to operate. They do require more turns in order to raise a car to the proper height for changing a tire, but the upside is that the turns are not done manually. The motor in the jack can actually turn the jack much faster than you could do by hand. The motor provides many more rotations per minute but provides less force per revolution. The difference is that a manual jack, the type that spins, requires much less rotations per minute but offers more force per revolution or torque. For many, the tradeoff is well worth the reduction in torque because raising the car in order to change the tire is done effortlessly with the help of the electric car jack. The only manual labor needed is to actually loosen and then lift the flat tire and raise the new tire and tighten the lug bolts.

Operating an electric car jack is very easy. You simply plug it into your vehicle’s cigarette lighter socket or other 12V socket and then press the on switch. Most models will lift up to one ton without a problem. You then simply change the tires. Electric car jacks are suitable for all cars, many pickup trucks and light vans that have a 12V power socket or a working lighter socket. They are typically sold in cases for easy storage and transportation and have instructions for use as well.

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