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DIN Machinist Square Square and Straight Edge Set
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Product Name: DIN Machinist Square Square and Straight Edge Set
Product Numbers: PESQ-25104
Product Specifications: stainless steel
Product Unit: DIN874 and DIN875
Product Remark: packed with fitted box
Product Class:Measuring Tools > Angle and Square > Engineers Squares
Product Details
【DateTime:2024-07-07 Browse:】【Font: Big Mid Small】【Print】【Close

DIN Machinist Square Square and Straight Edge Set

1.straight edge 100mm DIN874 PESQ-20134
2.90° square 75x50mm DIN875 grade 00 PESQ-10124
3.90° square 25x20mm DIN875 grade 00 PESQ-10314
4.90° precision 40x28mm DIN875 grade 00 PESQ-10324
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