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Ultrasonic Thickness CSK-IB Calibration Block
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Product Name: Ultrasonic Thickness CSK-IB Calibration Block
Product Numbers: ULCA-20011
Product Specifications: Use R50 and R100mm curved surfaces
Product Unit: Use R100mm curved surface
Product Remark: China NDT Instrument manufacturer
Product Class:Measuring and Testing Instruments > NDT Instruments > Calibration Block
Product Details
【DateTime:2021-04-20 Browse:】【Font: Big Mid Small】【Print】【Close

Ultrasonic Thickness CSK-IB Calibration Block

The CSK-IB test block adds a scale surface for testing the refraction angle of the oblique probe on the basis of the original CSK-IA. The shape and size are shown in Figure 2-1:
- Use R100mm curved surface to measure the incident point and front length of the oblique probe;
- Use Φ50 and 1.5mm round hole to measure the refraction angle of oblique probe;
- Use the right-angle edge of the test block to determine the deviation of the sound beam axis of the oblique probe;
- Determine the horizontal linearity, vertical linearity and dynamic range of the flaw detector with 25mm thickness;
- Use 25mm thickness to adjust longitudinal wave detection range and scanning speed;
- Use R50 and R100mm curved surfaces to adjust the detection range and scanning speed of transverse waves;
- Use three stepped holes of φ50, φ44 and φ40mm to measure the resolution of the oblique probe.

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