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Ceramic Rectangular Gauge Block 87pcs China
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Product Name: Ceramic Rectangular Gauge Block 87pcs China
Product Numbers: GB-2087
Product Specifications: 87pcs
Product Unit: Non magnetic
Product Remark: No burrs
Product Class:Measuring Tools > Gauge Block Pin Gauge > China Gauge Block
Product Details
【DateTime:2011-12-10 Browse:】【Font: Big Mid Small】【Print】【Close
 Ceramic Rectangular Gauge Block 87pcs Features:
Corrosion resistant
No burrs because it will not scratch. If dented, any resulting burrs can be removed with a ceramic stone
Abrasion resistance is 10 times that of steel gage blocks
High wringing force due to the density of the ceramic
Thermal expansion coefficient is quite similar to that of steel so they can safely be combined
Abrasion resistance is 10 times that of steel gage blocks
Non magnetic which means it wont attract metal chip
1. Corrosion-Resistant
Anti-corrosion treatment is not required when handled normally (i.e. with fingers), resulting in simple maintenance and storage.
2. No Burrs Caused by Dents, etc.
Since the Ceramic Block is very hard, it will not scratch and is highly resistant to burrs. If a burr is formed, it can easily be removed with a ceramic deburring stone (Ceraston).
3. Abrasion Resistant
Ceramic Blocks have 10 times the abrasion resistance of steel gage blocks.
4. Dimensional Stability
Ceramic Blocks are free from dimensional change over time.
5. Marking
The black characters, indicating the nominal length, are inscribed by laser and are clearly visible against the white surface of the block.
Specification & Precision :
     Eagle Ceramic Blocks meet or exceed all known specifications. The flatness, parallelism and surface finish necessary to achieve the required accuracies are the same as or better than government requirements.
Metric: ISO/DIN/JIS/GB/T:Class K, Class 0, Class 1, Class 2.
Inch  : GGG-G-15C:Class 2, Class 3, Class B.
Ceramic Rectangular Gauge Block 87pcs includes:
1.001-1.009(9pcs)       step of 0.001mm
1.01-1.49(49pcs)          step of 0.01mm
0.5-9.5(19pcs)              step of 0.5mm
10-100(10pcs)              step of 10mm
Order No.
Grade K
Grade 0
Grade 1
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